Foam sclerotherapy is a drug used to treat spider veins, which works by stimulating the walls of blood vessels, making the vein to shrink, collapse and eventually disappear completely. Varices may not be painful or cause a feeling of heaviness in the legs and varicose veins, but can only be an embarrassment because of their unsightly. Because they do not cause pain or heavy feeling, are generally not as a medical problem, but a substantial change. If you suffer from varicose veins,It 'important to find a doctor to make sure you see are not suffering from varicose veins, but keep the majority of this venous an aesthetic concern.
Foam Sclerotherapy uses a chemical that is injected into sclerant treatment area. A local anesthetic will be used to ensure maximum comfort throughout the procedure. The specialist will insert the area treated with sclerotherapy and ultrasound can be used to ensure that disseminated effectively in the treatment area. You canrequire more than one injection to treat the entire area to be treated and make the most of sclerotherapy procedures between 30 minutes and 45 minutes.
Spider Vein Treatment
One of the most interesting advantages of sclerotherapy is that it requires a long recovery period. Most patients are able to work or other normal activities immediately return after treatment with sclerotherapy. If the veins on the legs are treated, the patient is encouraged to wear compression stockingssupport during his recovery in the healing process and promote healthy blood circulation.
Like most medical procedures, there are certain risks and complications that have been associated with foam sclerotherapy in combination. These can be micro-emboli, tiny blood clots that can form in the treatment area. Itching, redness and bruising are also associated with sclerotherapy, although this should solve on their own after a few days. Patients are always encouragedconsult your doctor about side effects and risks associated with this or a procedure.
As already mentioned, spider veins are usually a cosmetic problem. Therefore, insurance companies do not have the cost of treatment, even in cases involving large veins, can provide insurance coverage. It 'important to consult your doctor and insurance, to determine if this procedure will be covered. Most of the methods range from about $ 200 to $ 500although this depends on the location and extent of the treatment area.
What Is Foam Sclerotherapy?
Laser hair removal of varicose veins is a very effective way to reduce and eliminate visible blood vessels on the skin.