Tuesday, October 25, 2011

K. Fattahi ,MD Phlebology / Sclerotherapy Pearls #1 Under Diagnosed Perforating Vein Reflux Source

K. Fattahi ,MD Phlebology / Sclerotherapy Pearls #1 Under Diagnosed Perforating Vein Reflux Source Tube. Duration : 1.92 Mins.

Dr. Khalil Fattahi describes another type of under diagnosed incompetent perforating vein responsible for leg pain

Tags: Dr, Doctor, Khalil, Fattahi, MD, Vein, Specialty, Medical, Clinic, pearls, phlebology, varicose, spider, veins, treatment, removal, surgery, ultrasound, guided, sclerotherapy, foam, washout, wash, campbell, california, ACP, leg, pain, stripping, VNUS, Closure, EVLT, elves, Advances


  1. Spider veins are rarely a serious health problem, but they can cause uncomfortable feelings in the legs. If there are symptoms of varicose veins, most often they will be itching or burning.

    spider veins

  2. Sclerotherapy is a plastic surgery procedure that treats blood vessel malformations or blood vessels. The deterioration of the blood vessels is often, called as spider veins. Sclerotherapy is also, used to treat the lymphatic system of the body.
