Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spider veins treatment costs

What are the causes of spider veins

If given the capillaries on the nose, face and legs, stressed can cause small cracks in the vessel wall. These tears slowly small amount of blood loss, small purple or blue streaks left in the affected areas. These strips are known as spider veins.

Spider Vein Treatment

Treatments for spider veins

There are many ways to treat spider veins. They all work, each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Here are the four main ways to treat spiderVeins.

Sclerotherapy - minor surgery to clear a saline solution and the walls of blood vessels used by the pool. Laser treatment - used to break the beams of concentrated light of clotted blood and tears held in the capillaries. Diet and exercise - Obesity can lead to veins like a balanced diet and regular exercise can help control spider veins spider. Creams and lotions - they work very well and are cheap, cheap creams with high concentrations of vitaminK
Treatment costs

Sclerotherapy costs between $ 200 - $ 400 for not visiting, take a very long time, but painful. If you do this treatment there is a chance that they will return.

Laser treatments can cost around $ 350 - $ 500 per visit and can also be painful. This method works, but often returns within 2 years.

Diet and exercise can be expensive depending on your gym membership and purchase of food, could be a lot of time. Look to spend about $ 250per month, some people can use this method to control, most people can not.

Creams and lotions can cost anywhere from $ 20 - $ 70 per bottle, which should last about a month. These treatments take 4-6 weeks to work, on average, but they do a good job without the pain and the veins disappear when the cream will come to think of constantly.

What treatment I Use

I have spider veins now for about 3 years I've had I can not control with diet and exercise,Believe me, I tried. I do not like the thought of needles or laser so I went with a cream. The first cream I found that I was not going to call it a bargain, it was only $ 19.99 I have for about 6 weeks, started to work too little, but then my skin started to turn yellow, so I was stopped. Then I found the cream that I used in the past 2 ½ years, I found it from my mother who absolutely loves. It 'was the vein in 5 weeks in the course and will not turn my skin color. AfterI went to use it and guess what does not come back ... Yay!

Spider veins treatment costs

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