Ipl, Intense Pulsed Light treatments, also called Photofacial skin treatments can treat a very wide range of skin problems. Either you have aging skin, Rosacea, broken blood vessels, unwanted hair, brown spots, acne, or sun damage, Ipl treatments are a safe, easy, no down time recipe to literal, these problems.
What Is Ipl or Photofacial Therapy?
Spider Vein Treatment
Ipl is not a laser, but rather a much gentler and safer form of skin care treatment. Ipl uses a flash of descriptive light, like a very qualified flash bulb or digital flash, not laser vigor to remove unwanted pigment, blood vessels, red spots, hair, acne and sun damage from the skin.
Ipl any way uses sophisticated filters that only allow a very specific color or wavelength of the descriptive spectrum to pass straight through on to the skin. The Ipl is tuned or set to flash only the color that is needed to remove a specific target, such as hair, a blood vessel or brown spot. For example, if you want to remove a blood vessel from the skin, Ipl flashes a color which matches the color of blood in the vessel. The Ipl vigor is absorbed by the blood in the vessel, the blood is heated and the vessel is damaged and removed, but all other tissues around the blood vessel are not affected.
This recipe is called target specific photothermolysis. What it involves is using light vigor to heat a target such as a brown spot to dissolve the unwanted pigment. Photo means light, thermo means heat and lysis means to dissolve. The most leading feature of Ipl is that this form of vigor can be tuned to only target a specific color and leave the normal skin around the pigment, or other target, undamaged. Unlike surgical dismissal of a brown spot, which damages normal skin as well as the brown pigment and leaves a scar, Ipl can be tuned to only remove the brown spot and leave the normal skin intact without damage or a scar.
The key to flourishing Ipl or laser therapy is to find the exquisite color or wavelength that is specifically absorbed by the target that you want to remove. Once you find an Ipl or laser wavelength that is specific for hair, blood vessels, brown spots or other skin abnormality, then this therapy can be used to remove the qoute with less skin injury than surgical methods and less scarring.
Why Is Intense Pulsed Light better Than Laser?
Intense pulsed light is less qualified than laser. Since all photo therapies work by producing heat to dissolve the target, less heat means less danger of burn injury and scarring. Intense Pulsed Light is capable of producing adequate vigor to remove many skin abnormalities, but is able to do so with less energy, less heat and less risk of over medicine and scarring than with lasers.
Intense Pulsed Light treatments are less painful than laser treatments and do not require a topical anesthetic. There is minimal to no down time or descriptive marks following treatments, unlike laser skin treatments.
There are still skin care applications that require the more qualified laser treatments. For example, skin resurfacing to remove wrinkles still requires laser medicine like fractional laser skin resurfacing such as the Starlux 2940 ablative fractional laser. Deep scar dismissal such as acne scars and skin plumping treatments require non ablative fractional laser skin resurfacing like the Starlux 1540. These treatments require very deep penetration into the skin that only the more qualified laser energies can achieve. Skin tightening requires even deeper skin penetration and other forms of vigor such as infrared used in the LuxIr Deep and Titan, and radio frequency vigor used in Thermage are used.
But for the most coarse skin disorders that can be treated with photo therapy, Intense Pulsed Light is very effective and safe and has become the adored recipe of medicine for many skin conditions. In my convention Photofacial treatments are the medicine of option for hair removal, acne, brown spots, sun damage, red spots, broken blood vessels, Rosacea, spider veins of the legs, and normal facial and chest skin rejuvenation treatments.
Photofacial Skin Treatments for Sun Damage and Skin Aging
Photofacial skin treatments of the face and chest furnish qualified skin rejuvenation by removing brown spots and broken blood vessels from the face and décolletage. It is fabulous how much younger you look when the skin is cleared to a uniform level appearance without blemishes.
Removal of Brown Spots, Sun Spots and Pigment
Larger discreet brown spots and pigment can well be removed with Intense Pulsed Light.
Hair Removal
Hair dismissal using Intense Pulsed Light is very effective and less painful than laser hair removal. Hair dismissal treatments are quicker.
Removal of Spider Veins
Intense Pulsed Light can effectively remove spider veins from the legs. Larger veins can also be treated with the 1064 laser or sclerotherapy
Removal of Broken Blood Vessels on Face
Small blood vessels and capillaries and Telangiectasias occur on the face, especially around the nose in many fair skinned people. These abnormal blood vessels occur most generally as a effect of sun damage and aging changes in the skin. The Photofacial is the medicine of option for these small facial blood vessels.
Treatment of Rosacea
Rosacea is a skin condition that causes facial flushing and a red face. In time, Rosacea can also cause acne type lesions. Photofacial treatments can furnish qualified revision in Rosacea.
Photofacial and Photodynamic Therapy for Acne
The most recent and most effective medicine for moderate to severe acne and cystic acne is called photodynamic therapy (Pdt). Using Intense Pulsed Light, or blue or red wavelengths combined with a skin photosensitizing agent, qualified acne dismissal results are possible. The photosensitizing agent, called Levulan. Levulan, a stock containing Aminolevulinic acid (Ala), is applied to the skin to make the skin more sensitive to photo energy. After a waiting period of 30-60 minutes, Photofacial medicine is done to the skin.
This combination therapy helps remove acne by three methods. First, the acne causing bacteria, Proprionibacterium Acnes, is killed. Secondly, skin exfoliation occurs to remove skin debris. Finally, sebaceous gland oil output is reduced. This combination therapy is effective for severe and cystic acne. Pdt can also be used to remove sun damage and rejuvenate the skin.
Find a Good Doctor's Office for Your Photofacial Treatment
While these treatments are safer than laser treatments, safe effective phototherapy treatments require expertise, skill and knowledge. Your results will only be as good as the feel and skill of the someone who does your treatment. These therapies are best done under physician supervision. The machines used in Spas are less qualified and thus less effective than those used in a physician's office.
Do your homework, quest the net and find an experienced board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist who uses phototherapy techniques. A combined arrival curious a physician, healing aesthetician and or nurse will supply the best combined healing and photo medicine therapies to give you the best result.
Ipl - How Intense Pulsed Light Gets Rid of Hair, Acne, Sun Damage and Spider Veins