There are many kinds of ringworm, and each one is caused by a fungus. Ringworm can occur on various parts of the body, but it is most common on the head, trunk, groin, feet, finger, and toenails. When ringworm occurs on the scalp, the hair falls out, leaving a small, round, scaly area.
When it involves other parts of the body, it looks like a pale round area surrounded by a zone of redness that is slightly elevated and may contain small blisters. Any form of ringworm is very contagious, and proper care should be taken so that the disease is not spread to others.
Spider Vein Treatment
The Natural Treatment:
Pharmacy ointments, herbs like goldenseal, lobelia, blood root, borage, plantain, and sarsaparilla.
Here's an Outline of the Medicinal Herbs...
- Golden Seal:
One of the best remedies of all the herbs. It seems like a cure all because it kills and neutralizes poisons.
"Side Effects"
It"s great for stomach problems and nausea. It works for all skin problems incredibly well. Helps digestion. It cures most all throat problems. Great for colds and fevers. Makes a fine tonic. Body parts: it's excellent for the eyes. Good for prostate troubles.
- Myrrh:
Myrrh heals all kinds of sores on the skin.
"Side Effects"
It's great for your gums, internal membranes and healing to the skin.
- Boric Acid:
It's an antiseptic that inhibits the growth and development of microorganisms.
Other Remedy Ingredients:
Golden seal, lobelia, blood root, borage, plantain, sarsaparilla. This concludes the natural remedies, but there are many effective chemical remedies also.
Natural Ringworm Treatment
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