Sunday, August 7, 2011

They capillaries on the face, too?

Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they are smaller and swelling of the skin. Another significant difference is that spider veins do not cause pain or discomfort while doing varicose veins. Many seek treatment of spider veins, despite the fact that they do not cause medical problems, in many cases be removed. They are often used as an aesthetic defect and treatment is required for their removal.

Many people associated with these veins on the legsand are surprised to find spider veins on other parts of the body, including her face. In fact, varicose veins appear on different parts of the body, from top to bottom. They are the result of dilation of blood vessels under the skin, so it may seem that every time this happens.

Spider Vein Treatment

When it comes to varicose veins, going to face, are most often on the cheeks and nose. The main causes of capillaries that appear at first sight, are acne rosacea, sun exposure, exposure to radiation orcold. Coverage type spider veins in the legs look is easily achieved by wearing long pants, but hide them if they can appear on the nose or cheeks can be difficult.

Fortunately, there are effective therapies that successfully get rid of spider veins on the face. Before sclerotherapy in the face and arms was avoided, but is currently considered a safe procedure for the spider veins appear in these areas. Because it includes areas are thinner and sclerotherapyInjections of chemicals, some specialists sclerant other options before choosing to deal with sclerotherapy for spider veins.

Laser treatment is often used to coagulate and then reduce spider veins appear. This is often a good option if Spider veins are small or medium, and sclerotherapy may be more suitable for larger veins in the category like a spider. Intense Pulsed Light can also be used to treat spider veins on the face. In this method, the light is absorbed byveins deeper below the skin, thereby heating them. If you get close to the surface veins, sclerotherapy can be used.

Be sure to allow treatment to be often helped to ensure the correct application of treatment by an experienced professional, to avoid side effects associated with some of these treatments as a temporary bruising, skin discoloration, brown lines / points and inflammation. Most people disappear after treatment of the condition known, althoughThe repetition is possible if the underlying cause of the spider wire (s) exists.

They capillaries on the face, too?

1 comment:

  1. Nice work done... Spider Vein Treatment is really very informative.
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