Although varicose veins are not harmful to the overall health of a person, there are many medical treatments to get rid of them. There are injections with needles, and laser therapy every wire must be applied. For those who are a natural way, want to get rid of varicose veins and unsightly varicose veins, there are many herbal supplements, lotions and creams.
The symptoms of this disease are swelling of the leg, the skin darkens thearea, legs aching and sore. People can also excessive itching, or a lack of feeling or numbness in the legs. Varicose veins and spider veins are caused by a combination of gravity with the tensions caused by the person's body weight. This does not mean that all sufferers are overweight, but this condition is more common in people with higher body weight.
Spider Vein Treatment
To combat spider and varicose veins naturally try lotions and herbalWellness Oils. Lotions to increase blood circulation, the ability to reach the blood through the body and return to the heart, without stopping. Increased circulation results in a reduced incidence of venous thrombosis and reduce the ability of the lower leg and ankle swelling. Lotions that contain vitamin D with hesperidin and horse chestnut are also known to help strengthen veins. It is recommended that the lotion be applied at least once a day on the affected area.
WelfareOils such as cypress, geranium and lemon should reduce varicose veins and spider. It promotes blood circulation in the area of application. This follows the same concept as herbal lotions and circulation. And a regular massage routine foot helps the blood pressure in the veins, causing varicose veins.
There are many oils, lotions and creams that can be integrated in stores or purchased online. The idea is to take the measures before and during the timeveins that occur. A look at many different medical treatments, it is also advantageous to consider all available for herbal supplements and creams for varicose veins.
Herbal Supplements and creams for varicose veins